Itzik Dadya presents the first single from his fourth album 'wars' Music and lyrics: Isaac Dadya Produced musical Eli K...

Itzik Dadya presents the first single from his fourth album 'wars'
Music and lyrics: Isaac Dadya
Produced musical Eli Keshet
"Adon Olam, I had wars - pain, I did not know who to talk .."
'Wars' - a ballad moving and touching.
After three albums won a resounding success among the religious public, Itzik Dadya releases first single from his fourth album aimed at the general public, religious and Israeli alike.
This time out Itzik new path as a creative artist and that War 'is a harbinger of his next album that the songs written and composed by Isaac himself.
Two and a half years serving the military rabbinate Yitzhak band within the active master 'At the same time many performances in Israel and abroad, and before his release from the army in August in the near future to leave his fourth album.