The journey to the recording for the lyrics to "A Tear" has been a long and windingroad. Lag BaOmer 5752, Yair Medina Levy finds...

The journey to the recording for the lyrics to "A Tear" has been a long and windingroad. Lag BaOmer 5752, Yair Medina Levy finds himself for the first time on the roofof Rebbe Shimon Bar Yochai's grave in Meiron.The charged and upliftingatmosphere move him to tears of joy and the words of an other wordly song are born.Nine years later his cousin, Shlomo Medina, sets the lyrics to music. The song ispassed to Yizhar Shaabi who occasionally plays it on stage, but neverrecords it. Now, 17 years later, Yizhar Shaabi and Yair Medina Levy are dedicatingthis project "in honour of Rebbe Shimon Bar Yochai and in honour of Am Yisrael".Lag BaOmer falls this coming Monday, till then Jews refrain from playing or listeningto music during sefirat haomer. The night of Lag BaOmer, is the hilula (yahrzeit) ofRebbe Shimon Bar Yochai, which gives the sign that music can be heard once more.Yizhar Shaabi invites you to share tears of joy at this new song, released here. Justweeks ago Shaabi brought out his first official album "Lev Tahor".The album has already sparked great interest.An exciting clip has been produced of "A Tear".Solo, guitar, oud: Yizhar ShaabiBass: Dan AyalonVocals and percussion: Yair Medina Levy Piano: Dan SivanDrums: Tamir YeminiVocals: Adir BeharArrangement: Yizhar ShaabiProduction: Eyal Yechiel & Dan Ayalon
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