Some might say Gad Elbaz lost to many rabbis in Ceaseria, others may say the bring this amount of crowd into Ceasria with that amount of fee...
Some might say Gad Elbaz lost to many rabbis in Ceaseria, others may say the bring this amount of crowd into Ceasria with that amount of fee being charged is miraculous. but who cares when we see everything is possible, the combination of orthodox religious and Ceaseria . Gad Elbaz ,son of the singer Benny Elbaz became this week to the first religious-orthodox singer who preformed in Ceaseria . beside him preformed : Shlomo Gronih, Ovadia Hamama and Harel Moyal Yet Gad was the one who shined on the stage . too bad third of the seats were empty. Audi Gefen And Gabby Noyman Published : 28/08/08 17:49 A friend of mine ,religious like me , asked me on saturday "have u heard ? Gad something is hosting Shlomi Shabat and Harel Moyal and Shlomo Gronih in the famous Amphitheatre in Ceaseria. ok lets go it's gonna be fun , but who the hell is this Gad Elbaz dude ?

The Show in Ceaseria( Photographer : Gabby Noyman,Editor : Gabby Noyman )
If he was sitting beside me that evening although our diffrent musical opinions i would have told him that all the top row singers who preformed along to gad were just a decoration to the real deal Gad Elbaz .
although the show was big and well invested which officialy published gad's new album "Bein Atipot" , the amphitheatre in Ceaseria was at 60% of its capacity, well yet again "Kohav Nolad 6 " a successful Israeli Program was on the air too at the same time .

Gad opened the evening along with the famous singers Shlomi Shabat and Harel Moyal who dedicated a song to God, afterwards he said "Erev Tov Ceaseria" ,asked for a cup of water, trilled the blessing "Shekol niaya bedvaro " and then he drank it .
later on he preformed with the singers Shlomo Gronih Yeshai Lapidot and Itzik Shimly, and for the final preformance he preformed with Ovadia Hamama and his father Benny Elbaz singing the song " Ana Bekoach". The show casted by Shalom Tweeto will be broadcasted in the Israeli channel 24 !

The Show in Ceaseria( Photographer : Gabby Noyman,Editor : Gabby Noyman )
If he was sitting beside me that evening although our diffrent musical opinions i would have told him that all the top row singers who preformed along to gad were just a decoration to the real deal Gad Elbaz .
although the show was big and well invested which officialy published gad's new album "Bein Atipot" , the amphitheatre in Ceaseria was at 60% of its capacity, well yet again "Kohav Nolad 6 " a successful Israeli Program was on the air too at the same time .

Gad opened the evening along with the famous singers Shlomi Shabat and Harel Moyal who dedicated a song to God, afterwards he said "Erev Tov Ceaseria" ,asked for a cup of water, trilled the blessing "Shekol niaya bedvaro " and then he drank it .
later on he preformed with the singers Shlomo Gronih Yeshai Lapidot and Itzik Shimly, and for the final preformance he preformed with Ovadia Hamama and his father Benny Elbaz singing the song " Ana Bekoach". The show casted by Shalom Tweeto will be broadcasted in the Israeli channel 24 !