"Al Tidag Gilad", a song produced by "dos music" and zachi bar-chen, is dedicated with lots of love to the abducted sol...
"Al Tidag Gilad", a song produced by "dos music" and zachi bar-chen, is dedicated with lots of love to the abducted soldier gilad shalit, who has been in captivity for over three years.
"dos music" in cooperation with singer zachi bar-chen succeeded to recruit the finest of Israeli artists, both religious and non – religious to come together in song and express the deep feelings all Israelis have and stress the fact that gilad has been in captivity for "more than a thousand days", witch is the first line of the song they all sing together.
"don't fear gilad you are not alone" , so sing avi sinvani, udi habri, itzik orlev, eliran tavori, beni brada , hezi fanian, haim moshe, yuval tayeb, tzedi or, zachi bar-chen, "pirchey yerushalaim", ruben "the angel", shahar sela and shimi tavori.
David bend avid, one of the projects founders: "in this song and project we are all hope for gilad to return to his home and loving family".
"dos music" in cooperation with singer zachi bar-chen succeeded to recruit the finest of Israeli artists, both religious and non – religious to come together in song and express the deep feelings all Israelis have and stress the fact that gilad has been in captivity for "more than a thousand days", witch is the first line of the song they all sing together.
"don't fear gilad you are not alone" , so sing avi sinvani, udi habri, itzik orlev, eliran tavori, beni brada , hezi fanian, haim moshe, yuval tayeb, tzedi or, zachi bar-chen, "pirchey yerushalaim", ruben "the angel", shahar sela and shimi tavori.
David bend avid, one of the projects founders: "in this song and project we are all hope for gilad to return to his home and loving family".